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Highlights - Fixed Income

April 4

News Ellipsis Asset Management acquires the convertible bond business of Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management

Ellipsis Asset Management, a subsidiary of the Kepler Cheuvreux group and a European leader in convertible management, announces the acquisition of the convertible bond management business of Edmond de Rothschild Asset (...)


Added Value in ABS


Equities head for choppy ride as higher yield market takes hold

Recent innovations - Fixed Income

Fixed Income - Credit

Muzinich & Co announces first close of European Senior Secured Private Debt Fund


Muzinich & Co. launches its first European Long Term Investment Fund (ELTIF) in collaboration with Cordusio SIM

Focus - Fixed Income

December 2020

Video Vafa Ahmadi: "In thematic management, our assets reach 12 billion euros"

The launch of the 1st fund in 2009, on the theme of the aging of the population, allowed CPR AM to position itself as a leading player in the field of thematic investment.


Headlines - Fixed Income

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Opinion Investors Cannot Ignore the Debt-Sustainability Question

Despite a pullback in bond yields, clients at our Solving for 2024 event were still uncertain about how to invest in a world of runaway government debt.


News Sfil Group’s 1st issue in US dollar of the year

With this transaction on a 5-year maturity, Sfil extends its dollar reference curve by a further 2 years and contributes to diversifying its medium- to long-term financing sources after 2 euro transactions launched during the 1st half at 5 and 7 (...)


Strategy Revisiting bonds for multi-asset

The last decade has seen a growth bias among financial assets, one that has become entrenched in equity indices. At the same time, bonds seemingly shed much of their protective qualities, offering investors very little by way of (...)


News CNP Assurances successfully launches its first subordinated sustainable bond

A player in ecological and social transition, CNP Assurances announces the successful issue of its first sustainable bond, carried out on January 11, 2023, for an amount of €500 million. The fixed annual coupon is 5,25% until july 18, 2033 and then will be floating beyond (...)


Opinion A High-Yielding Haven

As an ever-more-aggressive rate-hiking cycle rocks the financial markets, might corporate credit offer a space that is both remunerative and relatively calm? Last week brought the third consecutive 75-basis-point rate hike from the U.S. Federal Reserve. The market had even (...)


Interview Simon Thorp : « In the Aperture Credit Opportunities fund, we use fundamental analysis as well as quantitative tools »

According to Simon Thorp, Fund Manager of the Aperture Investors SICAV - Credit Opportunities Fund (ACOF), a more inflationary environment has a direct impact on the valuation of its long positions. In such a context, he aims to reduce the duration of our (...)


News EIF, CDP and Muzinich & Co. enter into a new 150 million euro agreement to support European SMEs and Mid Caps

One billion euro for new growth and financing opportunities to over 100 European SMEs and Mid-Caps affected by the economic impacts of the pandemic.


News Successful €500m Tier 3 subordinated notes issue

CNP Assurances has successfully completed its first Tier 3 subordinated issue of the year, placing €500 million worth of seven-year notes due 27 January 2029 and paying interest at 1.25%. The notes qualify as Tier 3 capital under Solvency (...)


News IFC Invests in Bond to Support Access to Affordable Housing in Tanzania

To help increase access to longer-term, affordable mortgages and housing in Tanzania, IFC subscribed to a corporate bond issued by the Tanzania Mortgage Refinance Company (TMRC), which was listed today on the Dar es Salaam Stock (...)


Opinion Asset-quality Quarterly: brighter prospects for European banks

Credit conditions for European banks are normalising and prospects for the second half of the year look bright. A return to pre-crisis operating income with higher loss absorption buffers accumulated during the crisis will facilitate management of (...)

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News Agence France Trésor announced the successful launch of the first French sovereign green bond

Today, Agence France Trésor announced the successful launch of the first French sovereign green bond with a maturity of 22 years. The Green OAT 1.75% 25 June 2039 issuance amount was €7bn, making it the largest and longest-dated green bond ever (...)


Note Management of government debt by the French Treasury agency (AFT)

The Court of Auditors has conducted a survey on the management of government debt by the AFT. The report, released at the beginning of the summer, lightens the honorable work done by the AFT in managing relatively well the government debt but regrets a relative dependence on (...)


Note The true nature of the derivative contract on French debt

The multiplication of misinterpretations related to the launch of the derivative contract on French debt leads to an apolitical analysis produced by a market professional to avoid amalgam and populism: This is a simple and useful contract, which was traded in the past in (...)


Opinion Bond bubble today and tomorrow ... Bond crash the day after tomorrow

Long-term rates that can not rise on short term, despite the abysmal public deficits ...


Note Scenarios for Public Sector Debt

The evolution of public sector debt depends on a number of economic variables and how they interact. Within the Eurozone, German and French debt looks sustainable while Italy, Portugal and Ireland appear borderline.


Interview Philippe Mills : « This year, half of the net buyers of French debt come from Asia and the Middle East »

What is the role of the French Treasury Agency (AFT)? Who holds the French debt? How are OAT and BTF issues conducted? Philip Mills, CEO of the French Treasury Agency answers Next Finance questions...


Opinion Complex and useless finance is still there

While complex finance should be preferred to improve risk modeling, it continues, in times of market stress, to help designing unmanageable and useless complex structured products


Note Usefulness and competence of rating agencies

This is not electoral populism to only criticize rating agencies, rather than question their economic utility and try to ask questions about their actual skills, in other words their ability to analyze the creditworthiness of issuers they (...)


Opinion GMI Ratings Governance Update | Moody’s Corp.

Moody’s Corp. (MCO) could better safeguard itself from the business conduct failures that the Securities and Exchange Commission discovered in its second annual review of nine ratings agencies.


Note The frantic flight to liquidity and solvency

Some markets have been exhibiting dysfunctions for nearly 4 years. The flight to liquidity and compliance with solvency requirements of banks and states with financial issues, have been - and still is - only ensured by non-conventional financing provisions and emergency (...)


La voie vers l’économie circulaire passe par la volonté politique

La voie vers l’économie circulaire passe par la volonté politique - La transition vers une économie circulaire devrait avoir d’énormes retombées positives sur l’environnement, à commencer par la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, le ralentissement de l’utilisation des (...)

Assurer l’avenir de l’économie bleue

Assurer l’avenir de l’économie bleue Si notre planète est essentiellement bleue, c’est pour une bonne raison : elle regorge d’eau. Les océans foisonnent de ressources et constituent également un enjeu essentiel dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. La protection des océans (...)

Last commented articles

FR Note Les déséquilibres TARGET2, de nouveau au centre de l’attention
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FR Opinion Les mouvements récents sur le crédit ressemblent à une capitulation...
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FR Opinion La Grece sauvée ? L’envers du décor
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FR Marchés Privés Momindum, éditeur de logiciels sur le Rich Media appliqué à la vidéo, lève 1 m€
Read comments Update May 2021

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