Vafa Ahmadi: "In thematic management, our assets reach 12 billion euros"

The launch of the 1st fund in 2009, on the theme of the aging of the population, allowed CPR AM to position itself as a leading player in the field of thematic investment.

Article also available in : English EN | français FR

The launch of the 1st fund in 2009, on the theme of the aging of the population, allowed CPR AM to position itself as a leading player in the field of thematic investment.

CPR AM has successfully launched funds on the theme of disruption, on the food challenge, on climate change, on education and more recently on the theme of inequalities which is unfortunately a growing phenomenon. Today, with just over 12 billion euros under management, with around fifteen managers, CPR AM is entering the second phase of its development with serenity and confidence in the expertise acquired over the years.

December 2020

Article also available in : English EN | français FR




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