Forex: the list of unauthorised websites in France

ACP and AMF update the list of unauthorised websites offering forex investments

Article also available in : English EN | français FR

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel (ACP) issued a press release on 7 July 2011 warning the public about offers to invest in the foreign exchange (forex[1]) market. The release listed a number of websites and entities that were not authorised to supply these products in France.

The updated list is: / BFOREX Limited / GCI Financial Limited / Nord Group Investments Inc / Surplus Finance SA InstaForex Companies Group / Evolution Market Group Inc / International Youtrade Investments MA Ltd / Ikko Investments Ltd / IP International Service

The AMF and the ACP wish to remind individual investors of the specific risks relating to products offered to them on the forex market (

Before you enter into a commitment, make sure that the intermediary offering or recommending the investment products or services is registered on a list of providers authorised to provide investment services in France (

If the intermediary is not on the list, the AMF and the ACP strongly advise you to ignore its offers, since it is in breach of applicable legislation and is not required to comply with basic rules on investor protection, reliable disclosure and complaint handling.

Next Finance September 2011

Article also available in : English EN | français FR


[1] Trading in the foreign exchange (forex or FX) market takes place over the counter and is therefore unregulated.




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