Fastmatch launches FX Tape

Global consolidated tape for FX spot market to improve transparency for investors

FastMatch, Inc., the fastest growing FX spot market operator, which operates as a Euronext company since August 2017, announced the launch of FX Tape. This new and innovative market data product will improve post-trade transparency in FX markets and allow market participants to monetize their trading data. FX Tape will also serve as a central reference point for Spot FX transacted prices helping market participants evaluate best execution performance.

“FX Tape is a significant stepping stone to building a more transparent market globally while providing a way for market participants to monetize their trade data”, said Dmitri Galinov, CEO of FastMatch, Inc. “This product is the culmination of three years of dedicated effort.”

FX Tape will publish real-time post-trade information collected from market participants in aggregated and delayed fashion to minimize market impact. This product will be available for distribution to thousands of market participants and vendors across the world via FastMatch’s and Euronext’s distribution networks.

The FX Tape will be open to all contributors under an open access model with a percentage of the net revenue generated by FX Tape shared with contributors, according to the volume contributed.

Next Finance September 2017



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