Experienced Capital appoints Amélie Gosselin-Furno as Partner

Experienced Capital (ECP), an operational investment fund dedicated to premium brands, announces the promotion of Amélie Gosselin-Furno to Partner and member of the Management Committee, alongside Emmanuel Pradère, President and Co-founder, Alban Gérard, Partner and Virginie Birade, Director.

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Amélie Gosselin-Furno is a renowned professional in the investment and strategy consulting fields, who has developed strong expertise in brand development over the past 15 years.

She began her career in 2009 as a consultant with the strategy consulting firm Advention Business Partners, before joining the private equity group 21 Invest France in 2013. As an account manager, then investment director, she supported various acquisition, divestment, and financial restructuring operations, while also managing a few holdings.

She joins the Experienced Capital team in 2019 as Investment Director. In this role, she oversees the development of the portfolio’s brands, including Balibaris, Figaret, La Nouvelle Garde and Reform, and supports the study of new investment projects, in the Food & Beverage or new mobility segments, for example. She also supported the growth of the Jimmy Fairly brand on its acquisition until its successful sale in 2021. Passionate about sustainable development issues, she oversees deploying the committed social and environmental responsibility policy of Experienced Capital and its partner brands.

Amélie Gosselin-Furno, 39, is a graduate of HEC Paris.

Next Finance January 2024

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