Aviva Investors Real Estate France buys a second logistics platform near Troyes from Affine

Acting on behalf of Aviva Group entities, Aviva Investors Real Estate France has bought a second logistics platform from Affine, located in the Aube logistics park at Buchères, near Troyes (10). The platform is entirely let on a longterm lease to SOLODI...

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Acting on behalf of Aviva Group entities, Aviva Investors Real Estate France has bought a second logistics platform from Affine, located in the Aube logistics park at Buchères, near Troyes (10). The platform is entirely let on a longterm lease to SOLODI (Société Logistique de Distribution), a subsidiary of Devanlay, the global license holder for Lacoste brand garments and leather goods. It was built by Concerto European Developer, which was a subsidiary of Affine until December 2014.

The platform was delivered in April 2014 and occupies 18,770 sqm, with the potential to expand to 24,770 sqm.

The building, comprising a retailing centre of around 17,540 sqm, exclusively manages the logistic flows of returned items, suspended activities and point of sale (POS) advertising. In this transaction, BNP Paribas Real Estate, JLL and Haussmann Notaires acted as advisors to the seller. Arthur Lloyd Asset Management, Lauzarque and Uguen/Vidalenc et Associés advised the buyer.

Next Finance October 2015

Article also available in : English EN | français FR




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