Need for green investments is crucial: current pandemic shows responsible investors in
emerging markets can collaborate with issuers through green bonds to unlock long-term
capital and help issuers become more resilient for shocks to come
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD rated Aaa/AAA) issued a USD 28.6 million 5-year Sustainable Development Bond as part of ongoing efforts to raise awareness for the vital role fresh and saltwater resources play for people, livelihoods, and the planet.
During a conference organized by the European Institute of Financial Regulation (EIFR), several experts emphasized the important role to be played by investors in order to organize the transition to the zero carbon footprint.
The index is designed to track the performance of debt issued by quasi-governments and corporations where the proceeds of the issue are to be used solely for projects and activities that promote climate or other environmental sustainability purposes.
Indexes licensed by Amundi for the creation of index-tracking solutions. Leading asset owners, AP4 and FRR, plan to use new indexes as benchmarks for passive mandates...